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Song Hye-kyo endows memorial in China

  • Published : Dec 19, 2016 - 14:52
  • Updated : Dec 19, 2016 - 14:52

Actress Song Hye-kyo and Seo Kyung-duk, a professor at Sungshin Women’s University, recently endowed a memorial for independence activist Yun Bong-gil in Shanghai.

Seo said Monday, “We endowed the memorial ground for Yun Bong-gil with a Korean and Chinese information guide that will be available starting today, and visitors will be able to see it for free.”

“I will continue to endow more Korean information plaques with Song Hye-kyo, and will later promote these Korean historical sites with audio and app services,” said Seo.

Concerning her contribution, Song said, “Even though there are many Korean historical events in China, many of them don’t have any information plaques. I hope these small things will help visitors learn more about history.”

Yun was a Korean activist who set off a bomb that killed several Japanese dignitaries in Shanghai on Dec 19, 1932. The memorial was a tribute to the act of patriotism and heroism that Yun demonstrated when Korea was colonized by the Japanese.

(Korea Tourism)
The information plaques were built in the Maejung memorial hall in Hongkou Park in Shanghai, China where the bomb incident occurred. Pamphlets and other memorabilia are also available.

By Lee Sang-won (sangdoze@heraldcorp.com)