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Lee Min-jung updates Instagram after months-long silence

  • Published : Jun 11, 2015 - 15:15
  • Updated : Jun 11, 2015 - 15:15

(Lee Min-jung's Instagram)
(Lee Min-jung's Instagram)
Korean actress Lee Min-jung, wife of actor Lee Byung-hun, has updated her Instagram webpage for the first time in weeks.

Lee has mostly been absent on Instagram since last September, around the time her husband was first embroiled in a cheating and blackmail scandal involving two women.

Since September 2014, she had only shared one photo -- of Polaroids with her friends -- in March.

Lee and her husband have since reunited and reaffirmed their two-year marriage, welcoming their first child, a son, in March.

Lee, 33, shared photos of natural scenery, a night skyline and several photos of herself, including at least one selfie.

Lee is a celebrated actress in her own right, though she has acted in fewer projects since getting married in 2013.

(Lee Min-jung's Instagram)
(Lee Min-jung's Instagram)
(Lee Min-jung's Instagram)
By Yoon Sarah (sarah356@heraldcorp.com)

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